• Why we close our eyes

    Why do we close our eyes When we pray, When we cry, When we dream, When we kiss. Coz the most beautiful things In life r unseen & felt only by the heart .

  • Garden full of memories

    Make your life a house your heart can live in With a door that is open to receive friends And a garden full of memories of many good things

  • i sought for my happiness over the world

    I sought for my happiness over the world, Oh, eager and far was my quest; I sought it on mountain and desert and sea, I asked it of east and of west…

  • A Clear mind is a call

    A clear mind is a call. A clear heart is a call. A clear soul is a call. A clear body is a call. A clear goal is a call.

  • if dreams weren’t dreams

    if dreams weren’t dreams And dreams came true I wouldn’t be here, I’d be next to you. Distance is one thing that kept us apart but you will always remain in my heart.

  • Experience is not what happens to you

    “Experience is not what happens to you; it is what you do with what happens to you and how well you encourage your experiences”

  • Always with you I’M always with u

    Always with you I’m always with you in all aspect and path of life Whether ribbon of sadness does not cut with knife I’m always with you

  • behind ur smile i know there are sorrows

    Behind ur smile I know there are sorrows, Behind ur laughter I know there are tears, And I want u 2 know that behind u I am always there 4 u Forever

  • i dont have to win

    I dont have to win…. To be called a winner…. I dont have to lose…. To be called a looser…. I gave my attention…. I gave my support…. All of this is for a reason…. For my love and respect…. I’ll have to fight for a reason… Reason for my…

  • when somebody says

    ‘When somebody says “Expect the unexpected” Slap them in the face and say, “U didnt expect that, did U?”’

  • don’t mix my personality and my attitude

    ‘Don’t mix my personality and my attitude because my personality is ME and my attitude depends on YOU. . . !!’

  • so many girls fall in love

    ‘So Many Girls Fall In Love With The Wrong Guys, Simply Because Wrong Guys Say The Right Things’

  • Life is like a river

    Life Is Like a River Which have many Turns So enjoy every Turn Because These turns never Return..

  • Put walls around our heart

    Sometimes we put walls around our heart, Not just to be safe from getting hurt, But to find out who cares enough to break the walls and get closer.

  • If life is a game

    If life is a game, I wish you to win. If life is a journey, I wish you to walk on roses. If life is a joy, I wish you to always smile. Have a great & successful day.

  • End IS not END

    End is not end ””””INFACT””’ E.N.D is ”EFFORT”’ NEVER DISE” AND if  you get no in answer REMBER”’ N.O, IS ”’ NEXT OPPORTUNITY” SO ALWAYS”’ BE POSITIVE………..’

  • Love will comeback to you

    Whatever you give to life it gives you back Do not hate anybody that hatred Which comes out from you will someday comeback to you Love others & love will comeback to you.

  • Disturbing u is a necessity

    Forgetting u is a crime, Ignoring u is a sin, Remembering u is a pleasure. Thinking about u is a habit & Disturbing u is a necessityâ?¦

  • Today is a gift

    Yesterday was history, Tomorrow is a mystery, But today is a gift. Thats why it is called “Present” Enjoy the Day…

  • Your love is all

    You’re the air that I breath, You’re the words that I read, You’re the light that I see and, Your love is all that I need.

  • Perfect Example Of Confidence

    A trainee in a big multinational companay, dialed C.E.O. by mistake and said: “hey send a hot cofee in accounts deptt, in 2 mins”. C.E.O. shouted: “Do U know with whom U arE talking ?” Trainee : “No.” C.E.O: “I am C.E.O. of the company”. Trainee in the same tune:…

  • When ur hearts needs company

    Walk with me when your hearts needs company, Take my hand when u feel all alone, Turn to me when u need someone to lean on, Coz I’m the one u can always depend on!

  • It’s a piece of cake so

    When you are feeling stressed and about to break Just remember stressed is simply desserts spelled backward It’s a piece of cake so … Just enjoy!

  • Never think of the past

    Never think of the past it brings tears, If you think of the future it brings fears, So, live life in the present and drink chilled beers!

  • Share Urself with others

    When u share Urself with others, life beings to find its meaning. The time u touch the hearts of others is the moment u truly start living.

  • Sacred Heart

    Sacred Heart, Your sweet art, In my eyes I did craft, With my blood I made draft, I am your part from past till my last, If I loose you my Heart will blast.

  • Don’t get worng

    Don’t always take things in their literal sense. Like When Dr says take off ur clothes. When dentist says open wide. When milkman says u want in the front or in the back. When interior Dec say once it is in you’ll luv it. When banker says if u take…

  • Bless a person to be happy always

    I rub my magic lamp & a genie appears, He saw me & asked..What’s your wish for today? I said bless a person who’s reading this msg to be happy always

  • Love hurts more than stone

    If someone throws a stone towards u, Throw love towards him/er but if someone throw love towards u, Then sit for a while & think coz love hurts more than stone.

  • Not in this world

    If 10 people care for you, one of them is me, if one person cares for you that would be me again, if no one cares for you that means i m not in this world.