• Night has ended for another day

    Night has ended for another day, Morning has come in a special way, May you smile like the sunny rays, Your worries at the blue blue bay. “Good Morning”

  • Its purity of heart that matters

    Its purity of heart that matters, Not the external appearance. Because helping hands are always Better than praying lips…! GOOD MORNING!!!

  • Did I miss something out?

    A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,( ),V,W,X,Y,Z. Did I miss something out? No because I put ( U ) in my heart. Good morning dear.I hope u have a wonderful day.

  • Thinking of U this lovely morning

    Thinking of U this lovely morning As the sun starts shining is the perfect beginning. So my dear charming, here’s my good morning. Keep smiling morning till evening.

  • Cute yawn in your face

    An ideal day should begin with a cute little yawn on ur face, A cup of coffe in ur hand & a msg from me on ur mobile…! Have a great day! Good morning.

  • If U cannot get someone off ur mind

    If U cannot get someone off ur mind, It is maybe because he/she is supposed to be there. Remember, the mind can recognize what the heart is trying to deny. Good Morning!

  • Receive my simple gift of good morning…

    Receive my simple gift of good morning wrapped with sincerity, tied with care & sealed with a prayer   to keep u safe and happy all day long!  Take Care!

  • Night has ended for another day

    Night has ended for another day, Morning has come in a special way, May you smile like the sunny rays, And leave ur worries for some other day. Good Morning

  • I remember you

    Morning greetings doesn’t only mean saying Good Morning, it has a silent message saying: I remember you when I wake up! Have a nice day!

  • IN French:

     IN French: “bonjour” IN Spanish: “Te quiro” IN Italian: “Teamo” IN English: “Good morning” IN Punjabi: “uth BEGHAIRTA kam te nai jana”:)

  • Welcome to the new morning with …

    Welcome to the new morning with smile on ur face LOVE in ur “heart” Good Thoughts in ur “mind” Wish u A Brightest Morning..

  • Good Mrning ! open ur tinky minky eyes

    open ur tinky minky eyes, stand up and strech ur crunchy prunchy bonz and then wake up yourself, tell your brain to refresh and tell your self 2days is GOOD DAY Good Morning

  • On This Cool Cool Morning…

    On This Cool Cool Morning In Ur Cute Cute Room From Ur Small Small Window Look At The Beautiful Beautiful Weather Wishing U Sweet Sweet Good Morning.. !!!!

  • Have a horrible day

    Everyday same wishes! Are U bored of it? Let it be different this time: Let the devils sing around U Mummies dance around U Vampires sit beside U Have a horrible day!

  • WÄKE UP!

    Asalm~o~alaikum! WÄKE UP! It’s Mörning time öpen ur Room’s Döör becaus HÄPPINES & SUCCESS are waiting to Welcome u in a New DÄY Good Morning

  • Sun glows for a day…

    Sun glows for a day Candle for an hour, Match stick for a Minute, But A good Day can glow Forever, So start your day with a SMILE” On your face, “Good Morning”

  • For a sweet friend

    For a nice friend “nice morning”.. For a sweet friend “sweet morning” For a loving friend “lovely morning” For a Good friend “good morning”

  • O My dear Open your mind…

    O My dear Open your mind, Receive my wishes Open your heart, Recieve my love Open your eyes, Recieve my smile Open u’r mobile, and rcv my specail wish GøøÐ MØRNÍNG.

  • We all take different paths in life….

    “We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of eachother everywhere.” Have a blessed Day! Good Morning!

  • Paths are made by walking…

    We spend our days.. waiting for the ideal path to appear in front of us.. But What we forget is that, Paths are made by walking not by waiting…! Gudmorning subah bakhair

  • Wishing u a Very Gracious Morning…

    Morning Coolness, Rising Sun, Humming Birds, Melting Dew, Along With My Best Compliments, Wishing u a Very Gracious Morning G0OD MORNING!! Have a fantastic day

  • Happy Mprning…

    {“”}__{“”},*,¤,*,¤, ( ¤ APPY,*,¤, {__}””{__},*,¤,*,¤, Göööööööööööd Gööööööööööd Göööööööööd Gööööööööd Göööööööd Gööööööd Göööööd Gööööd Göööd Gööd Gööd Gööd Göööd Gööööd Göööööd Gööööööd Gööööööööd Göööööööööööd ||||”””””\/”””””|||||||||| |||| ÖRNìNG ||||__/\__/\__||||||||||||

  • These are my wishes for you…

    No shadows 2 depress u! Only Happiness 2 surround u! Many Angels 2 guard u! God himself 2 bless u! These r my wishes 4 u 4 Today,Tomorrow & 4ever. Good morñing.

  • Fresh and Cool…

    _/\_ “WISHING” > ‘,’< "YOU" '"\,/"'*:*:*:*:*:*:* ,,*,,,................,,,*,, "FRESH & COOL" ¤,,,*MORNING*,,,¤ ¤*,,,GOOD,,,*¤ ¤*,,,MORNING,,,*¤

  • For a nice friend…

    For a nice friend “nice morning”.. For a sweet friend “sweet morning” For a loving friend “lovely morning” For a Good friend “Good Morning”

  • Every New Day Is A New Chapter…

    Every new day is A new chapter of life. Bringing new topics New moments for life. I wish Today all the good Moments approach To make your day Joyful. Good Morning !

  • ALLAH wiL neVer leAve U emPty…

    ALLAH wiL neVer leAve U emPty HE wiL rePLace evrythng U LOst If HE asks U tO Put sUmthng dOwn its bcOz HE wants U tO piCk Up sumthng GrEaTer Hve Faith GoOd MoRniNg

  • Have a nice day…

    Stärt ä ,:*”*;, Ñèw Däy *; %,*; _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-)(_-_ ” With ” ” A ” ” Cleän heärt ” ” No feär ” ” No worry ” ” be häppy ” ” & smile ” “GOOD M0RNING” Have a nice day.

  • Open U’r Heart…

    ~ Open U’r M¡nd, Rece¡ve My W¡sh Open U’r Heart, Rece¡ve My Love Open Your Eye, Rece¡ve My Sm¡le Open U’r Mob¡le, Rece¡ve My Speca¡l SMS “GOOD MoRniNg”

  • A New Sun…

    Å néw suÑ Å nèw dÄY Ä nÉw §m§ Äsking Ü to 4GÉT Äll Ür WÖrriɧ sÖrrÖw§ & TeÄR§ For §ØMÉ 1 WhÖ wÄnts to SÉÉ U hÄppy GööD MORNING…..