Quote of the Day!!
“We Love ourself even after making so many mistakes Then how can we hate others 4 their small mistakes” Strange but True!
who we are and what we do…
“Personality is- who we are and what we do when everybody is watching. Character is- who we are and what we do when NOBODY is watching…! Good nite
If we both exchange one dollar…
If we both exchange one dollar, we have one dollar each. But, if we exchange one good thought, we both have two good thoughts. Asslam alykum gudmorning hav a gud day
The height of candles may differ…
The height of candles may differ,but they yield the same brightness. Its not the matter of Ur position,but its Ur ability that actually shines.
Love every Moment of UR Life…
No one in this world is so rich that he can buy his past. So Love every Moment of UR Life b4 it turns into UR past.
Two Places…
“Two places are the most valuable in the world” “The nicest place is to be in someone’s THOUGHTS & The safest place is to be in someone’s PRAYERS” Good Morning!
Worth of Words…
Sometime a blank paper tells u whole story. Some time even a book lacks the meanings. It is true that word are important But “Silence increase worth of some words”.
The biggest TEMPTATION of life…
The biggest TEMPTATION of life is to “Convert dreams into reality”. But The biggest defeat of life comes when “We surrender our dreams to reality”
I really hate to live Alone…
“I really hate to live Alone… But its better than being hurt Again and Again.. .. .. !”
God solve ur problem
When GOD solves your problems, You have faith in his abilities…. When he doesn’t solve your problems, He has faith in your abilities…
Lonely hrs r the best hrs of life…
Lonely hrs r the best hrs of life, Becouse its the only time We share our deepest secrets with the most trusted person in the world “Ourself”.
Sign Of Maturity…
Sign of maturity is not when we start saying big things But Actually it is when we start understanding small things.
Umbrella cant stop the rain…
Umbrella cant stop the rain, But make us stand in rain Confidence may not bring success, But gives power to face any challenge in life.
I believe…
I believe in an open mind, But not so open that Ur brains fall out.
When u find Dream inside ur Heart…
When u find a dream inside ur heart Dont ever let it go Bcoz Dreams r the seeds from which beautiful tomorrows grow. Hv a Successful Life
The ultimate truth of life…
>>The ultimate truth of life is that “Success hugs you in private” BUT “Failure always slaps you in public!!!”
The best time in life…
The best time in life is finding someone who knows all ur mistakes and weakness and still thinks that u r completly AMAZING! 🙂
Time is the costliest thing,
Time is the costliest thing, which could never be purchased by anyone So when someone spend it 4 u, It just say the depth of care that, They do 4 u…
Respect those People
Respect those people, Who find time for you in their busy schedule, But Love those people, Who never see their schedule, When you need them!!!
spent your day in the best possible way!
If u planted hope today in a hopeless heart. If someone’s burden was lighter because you did your part. If you caused a laugh that chased some tears away. If tonight your name is taken when someone kneels to pray Then you have spent your day in the best possible…
Valuable Diamond
Never Decide about a Person By His Past Status . . Because . . Time Has Great Power To Change A Useless Coal Into a Valuable Diamond.
try and impress anyone
I have reached a point in life where i feel it is no longer necessary to try and impress anyone. if they like me the way i am, Good, and if they don’t it’s their loss.
Edge of difficulty
When God Pushes You to the Edge of difficulty trust him fully because two things can happen Either he will catch you when you fall, or he will teach you how to fly.
fix yourself
The sooner you fix yourself, the faster the world around you is fixed
The Unhappiest people
The Unhappiest people in this world, are those who care the mose about what other people think.
never Blame a day in your life
Never Blame a Day in Your Life Good days give Happiness Bad days give Experience Worst days give Lesson AND Best days give Memeories…
I take decisions and make them Right….
I don’t like to take Right Decisions…!!! “I take decisions and make them Right” (Jinnah)
Excellence has always been achieved…
“Excellence has always been achieved by those who dare to believe that something inside them is superior than circumstances”.
when you stop trying to find
When you stop trying to find the right man and start becoming the right woman, the right man will eventually find his way to you.
did word of achievement
“Did” – Word of Achievement “Cant” – Word of Defeat “Should” – Word of Duty “Will” – Word of Eager “Can” – Word of Power Choose Your Word wisely.
Category: Inspirational Quotes SMS
Inspirational Quotes SMS