Math may not be able to
Math may not be able to Add Love or Minus Hate But at least it can gives a great hope that Every Problem has a Solution
A burnt cigarette ash said
A burnt cigarette ash said: Today its me, because of you ! but Tomorrow its you, because of me!! . Quit smoking before smoking quits you
Reach your goal before goal kicks u
Reach your goal before goal kicks U. Kill your stress before stress kills U. Help every1 before some1 kicks U. Live your life before life leaves U.
it’s the time to stop saying
It’s the time to stop saying I wish Now start saying I will. If you do not believe in yourself, then nobody will.
Someday,everything will make….
Someday, everything will make sense to you. Therefore, for now, just laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself that nothing happens without a reason.
Inevitable truth
The inevitable truth of life: “Everyone in our life is going to hurt u sooner or later. U just have to realise who worths more? The pain or the person??”
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