• A burnt cigarette ash said

    A burnt cigarette ash said: Today its me, because of you ! but Tomorrow its you, because of me!! . Quit smoking before smoking quits you

  • Reach your goal before goal kicks u

    Reach your goal before goal kicks U. Kill your stress before stress kills U. Help every1 before some1 kicks U. Live your life before life leaves U.

  • it’s the time to stop saying

    It’s the time to stop saying I wish Now start saying I will. If you do not believe in yourself, then nobody will.

  • Someday,everything will make….

    Someday, everything will make sense to you. Therefore, for now, just laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself that nothing happens without a reason.

  • Inevitable truth

    The inevitable truth of life: “Everyone in our life is going to hurt u sooner or later. U just have to realise who worths more? The pain or the person??”

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