A smile is gift from god

    People Say a Smile is Gift from God.
    Since Iâ?Tve known you,
    And you have always made me smile
    Guess you Must be Godâ?Ts Gift to Me.
    A Special one Iâ?Tll always treasure.

    People Say a Smile is Gift from God. Since Iâ?Tve known you, And you have always made me smile Guess you Must be Godâ?Ts Gift to Me. A Special one Iâ?Tll always treasure. Related posts: I luv u not because My love is like onion I live for u Yaad…

    People Say a Smile is Gift from God. Since Iâ?Tve known you, And you have always made me smile Guess you Must be Godâ?Ts Gift to Me. A Special one Iâ?Tll always treasure. Related posts: I luv u not because My love is like onion I live for u Yaad…