Elephant luv with an ant

    An elephant falls in luv with an ant.
    But ant’s parents are against their marriage.

    Guess why?

    They gave a solid reason:
    **Ladke k dat bahar hai**

    An elephant falls in luv with an ant. But ant’s parents are against their marriage. Guess why? They gave a solid reason: **Ladke k dat bahar hai** Related posts: Beautiful Red Underware Do you want to hear a dirty joke? A difference between a Kiss, a Car and a Monkey?…

    An elephant falls in luv with an ant. But ant’s parents are against their marriage. Guess why? They gave a solid reason: **Ladke k dat bahar hai** Related posts: Beautiful Red Underware Do you want to hear a dirty joke? A difference between a Kiss, a Car and a Monkey?…