Flower for Garden

    Flower for Garden,
    Fragrance for Flowers,
    Moon for the sky,
    Sweet for Honey,
    Waves for the Sea,
    Roots for the tree,
    Vision for Eye,
    Soul for the life,
    & you for ME.

    Flower for Garden, Fragrance for Flowers, Moon for the sky, Sweet for Honey, Waves for the Sea, Roots for the tree, Vision for Eye, Soul for the life, & you for ME. Related posts: Love is the medicine for any kind of Pain U get close to my heart Feelings…

    Flower for Garden, Fragrance for Flowers, Moon for the sky, Sweet for Honey, Waves for the Sea, Roots for the tree, Vision for Eye, Soul for the life, & you for ME. Related posts: Love is the medicine for any kind of Pain U get close to my heart Feelings…