Happiness at EID…

    May every minute 0f your “EID”

    Be happy warm n bright..

    May all your hopes n dreams

    Turn out exactly right…

    Happiness at EID is wished for You !

    Eid Mubarak

    May every minute 0f your “EID” Be happy warm n bright.. May all your hopes n dreams Turn out exactly right… Happiness at EID is wished for You ! Eid Mubarak Related posts: May Allah bless you on this auspicious day of Eid, Some words can be left unsaid, Do…

    May every minute 0f your “EID” Be happy warm n bright.. May all your hopes n dreams Turn out exactly right… Happiness at EID is wished for You ! Eid Mubarak Related posts: May Allah bless you on this auspicious day of Eid, Some words can be left unsaid, Do…