I can only say

    Alone I can only say,
    But together we can shout,
    Alone I can only smile,
    But together we can laugh,
    Alone I can only live,
    But together we can celebrate,
    That’s friendship.

    Alone I can only say, But together we can shout, Alone I can only smile, But together we can laugh, Alone I can only live, But together we can celebrate, That’s friendship. Related posts: Mixture Of All is…. Friendship is about … Nobody somebody Don’t bring any gift Its sweetest…

    Alone I can only say, But together we can shout, Alone I can only smile, But together we can laugh, Alone I can only live, But together we can celebrate, That’s friendship. Related posts: Mixture Of All is…. Friendship is about … Nobody somebody Don’t bring any gift Its sweetest…