if someone comes

    someone comes
    Into your life ‘n becomes a part of you,
    But for
    some reason he couldn’t stay,

    Don’t cry too much…

    Just be glad that your
    paths crossed
    some how he made you happy
    even for a while..!!

    If someone comes Into your life ‘n becomes a part of you, But for some reason he couldn’t stay, Don’t cry too much… Just be glad that your paths crossed ‘n some how he made you happy even for a while..!! Related posts: Make each moment beautiful !! Why do…

    If someone comes Into your life ‘n becomes a part of you, But for some reason he couldn’t stay, Don’t cry too much… Just be glad that your paths crossed ‘n some how he made you happy even for a while..!! Related posts: Make each moment beautiful !! Why do…