suna hai aapki ek muskan pe

    Suna hai aapki ek muskaan pe

    log marte hai….

    So please keep SMILING

    to reduce population.

    Suna hai aapki ek muskaan pe log marte hai…. So please keep SMILING to reduce population. Related posts: tujh me or kutton me kya farq hy ?.;-) My heart problem has reached a critical stage Hum wo majnoo hai … Sach hi suna tha… Why do girls close their eyes……

    Suna hai aapki ek muskaan pe log marte hai…. So please keep SMILING to reduce population. Related posts: tujh me or kutton me kya farq hy ?.;-) My heart problem has reached a critical stage Hum wo majnoo hai … Sach hi suna tha… Why do girls close their eyes……