
What do you call a wife who is sexy…

    What do you call a wife who is sexy,

    beautiful, intelligent, understanding,

    caring, never jealous and a great cook?

    ANSWER : A rumor!

    What do you call a wife who is sexy, beautiful, intelligent, understanding, caring, never jealous and a great cook? ANSWER : A rumor! Related posts: How-come ur penis so big.. Sardar wid Grandson.Late night Shouts How To Teach Mathematics To A Girl 4 road signs which stands in front of…

    What do you call a wife who is sexy, beautiful, intelligent, understanding, caring, never jealous and a great cook? ANSWER : A rumor! Related posts: How-come ur penis so big.. Sardar wid Grandson.Late night Shouts How To Teach Mathematics To A Girl 4 road signs which stands in front of…